Please feel free to contact us if you wish to support our nursery by email : wendy@butterflynursery.com or call direct on 0141 638 8597, we would love to hear from you !
Many thanks to our fantastic funders for their support ...
People's Postcode Trust
Glasgow City Council
Early Years Scotland
Sol Tanning - Boydstone Rd, Carnwadric
Hi Quality Cuts - Boydstone Rd, Carnwadric
One 0 One - Thornliebank & Carnwadric stores
Village Green Grocers - Thornliebank
McDonalds - Thornliebank
R&R Brown and Sons Butchers - Thornliebank
TGI Friday
Nandos - Silverburn
Starbucks - Silverburn
Bodyshop - Silverburn
Bakers - Boydstone Road
Spar - Thornliebank
Amazon smile for charities
Shop to Support Butterfly Nursery with Amazon Smile …
When you visit Amazon via smile.amazon.com, a portion of your Amazon purchase is donated to Butterfly Nursery. So whether you’re finally getting around to buying a new kettle or springing for a giant inflatable rainbow unicorn, you’ll be helping to provide resources and experiences for our children every time you shop. And don’t worry. It doesn’t cost a thing.
How to use Amazon Smile
1. Visit smile.amazon.com
2. Sign into your Amazon account just like you normally would.
3. Under “Accounts & Lists” in the main menu bar, select “Your Account”.
4. Under “Shopping programs and rentals” select “Change your charity”.
5. Enter “Butterfly Nursery” into the charity search bar.
6. Select Butterfly Nursery
7. You are all set!
In order for your Amazon order to qualify, it must be made through Amazon Smile.